Cub Scout Pack 285
Pack meetings are held at the Argusville Community Center. Start time is 6:00 PM, unless otherwise noted. Den meeting times and locations may vary based on field trips and activities. Check with your den leader for details.
Cub Scout Pack 285 Leadership: At this time (Summer 2023), Pack 285 is looking for a new Cub Master and den leaders to take over the pack. Please contact Kari Idso at 701-793-5476 for more information.
Cub Master: Kari Idso
Assistant Cub Master/Advancement Chair/Committee Chair: TBD
Advancement Co-Chair: TBD
Treasurer: Kari Idso
Popcorn Kernel: TBD
Pinewood Derby: TBD
Blue & Gold Banquet: TBD
Lion Den Leader: Shared leadership
Tiger Den Leader: TBD
Wolf Den Leader: TBD
Bear Den Leader: TBD
Webelos Leaders: TBD